Saturday, May 28, 2011

No more training wheels!!

Ayden & Elliott have shown us another step in the growing up process! They have ditched their training wheels and are now riding around on only 2 wheels:) Dad took off the wheels on Thursday afternoon about 3 o'clock, and they did awesome that rained all day yesterday, so no practicing, but today was great, so we got out this morning and this video is of them today, like they were never on training wheels!!

We are so proud of you boys:) Way to go!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Today was the Ayden, Elliott & Ashley's preschool graduation and program! The boys got to wear graduation caps to celebrate their day, and Ashley is just as excited to be "graduating" to the Butterfly class!! I can't even believe that Ayden & Elliott will be heading to kindergarten in the fall! This time has just flown by...they are so excited, I am just hoping for a summer of fun before they have to head off to the "big school"!! WOW...we couldn't be any more proud of them!! They are simply amazing and are going to do such wonderful and exciting things, I just can't wait to see everything they can do and accomplish!

Congratulations:) WE LOVE YOU!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More T-ball

Tomorrow is the big PRESCHOOL graduation day:) More video and pictures tomorrow!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today was Ayden and Elliott's first t-ball game:)

They did a great job and had lots and lots of fun!!

Here are some video of them in action!

Great job boys!! We are so proud of you!!

oh and here are the other 2 while the game was happening, apparently I just need to bring snacks to keep them occupied! ha:)