Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving and Decorating the Tree

Sorry, all! It's been a while...nothing to say, just lazy:) and busy!! ha!

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year in Des Moines, at my brother and SIL's new house!! We had an amazing time, got to stay over for 2 nights (the kids were in heaven)and spend some quality time with family relaxing:) Very nice!! We even got to spend some time with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Wes and go out for lunch with them on Friday before heading home...Unfortunatly my picture taking abilities were lacking so I only got a few pics of the kids all together in front of the fireplace, and they weren't excited about it, so you know how they turned out:) ha!! anyway...just wanted to say what a fun time we had with you all and that we are so thankful to have such a great family to spend our time and love with! Thanks ANDREW and LISA:) SO FUN!!!

(told ya it wasn't a great pic! ha)
Also, on Friday when we got home, we told the kids that we would put up the Christmas tree and get it all decorated! Well, we kept our promise and had a great evening with the kis putting the tree together and getting all of our pretty ornaments on! Lots of fun had by all...Evan included:) He didn't get to put up the decorations, but he did have a fun time with the tree box!!

Other than that, we haven't been up to too much...just gearing up for the upcoming holiday! The kids are excited to go visit Santa soon, and they are even more excited to have him come visit us:) Should be a wonderful Christmas and New Year's season coming up!!

So, that's it for now...hope to get some more pictures taken here this week and update you on what's been happening around here more often! till next time...:)


Grandpa and Grandma said...

Very good pictures of the kids all having fun!!! XXOO

Lisa said...

Such good memories that they'll have forever!

Jodi Lansink said...

Tree looks good, and yes, Thanksgiving was awesome!!