Sunday, November 14, 2010

Haircuts and Hockey

We haven't been up to much lately, just trying to stay warm now that it has gotten cooler out...although we were very lucky with getting NO snow, when areas around us got quite a bit!!

We headed out the other night to get some haircuts, and we decided it was time for Evan to get his first trim! So CUTE:) he did really well, sat on my lap and stayed very still...after that first cut though, they look so much older! :( Ashley got her hair cut shorter too:) to help even things out:) she looks cute with her little bob and YES a pony and pig tails will still work, she has so much hair!! Its just trying to convince her to let me put things in! HA...somedays she will and somedays she won't!

Grandma and Grandpa Lansink stopped up for a visit the other day and brought the kids their Halloween goodies, since we haven't seen them since before then, we hadn't gotten a chance for the kids to get their stuff! They got some yummy candy, and some CUTE jammies! Thanks G & G:) the kids think they are "comfy"!!!

Last night we took the kids to their first Musketeer Hockey game of the season! It was a lot of fun, a pretty boring game for us adults, but for the kids it was awesome:) We had a great night as a family!! It was their tribute to the Troops and Veterans last night, so we all got an American flag to hold and wave around (or throw if you are Evan!!) We got a big tub of popcorn and pop, the kids were in HEAVEN!!

And now today, we are just napping, trying to get rid of some coughs, and relaxing before our work-week begins...Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are on tap for supper, so should be yummy:) Everyone have a great week!


Grandpa and Grandma said...

Cute pictures Abby!! Glad the kids love the new jammies!!! They look very cute in them! XXOO G&G

Grandma Jane said...

What cute kids! Great job Evan. Looks like he sat very still and wasn't too bothered about getting his hair cut. They all look so good in their new jammies, too.

Love you!
Grandma & Grandpa S.

Lisa said...

Great new picture for the blog header!