Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Evan Christopher!!

On Saturday, Sept 25th, we got to celebrate Evan's birthday! It doesn't even seem like it has been a year since this little guy has joined our family...we honestly can say he has been such a blessing and an amazing little boy, we are so lucky to have him!!

We didn't do anything too exciting for the big day. Chris had to work this weekend, so it was me and the kids. We had planned on going to watch Uncle Andrew coach the Simpson Storm against Buena Vista in Storm Lake, but it decided to rain all morning, with thunder and hail, so I decided that wasn't really ideal for 4 kids to sit in the rain to watch a football game. They were disappointed, but I told them I would take them to Play All Day, and that cheered them up! It is a place here in town with bouncy houses and slides and lots of fun stuff for the kids to do...we ended up having a great time...they have a special area for the "little" ones and Evan got to play and have a blast in there on his big day:) So CUTE!!

We stayed for a few hours, and then came home, and I made a yummy supper for Evan for his special day! We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes! This meal is one of our kids' favorites:) They all scarfed it down, yummy!!

We spent the rest of the evening playing and enjoying our birthday boy! I can't even believe that he is 1 already!! He is so fun and we are just loving this stage that he is in!!

Thank you to all for the great birthday wishes for our little guy:) We apprecaite it and love you all!!
Here are a couple of my fav's from his 1st few days of joining us in this world:)
We Love you Evan!!


Lisa said...

Everyone looks so grown up...we need to see you guys soon!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a fun day for the birthday boy!!! Too bad you missed the game because of the rain....we will get to another one!!! Love all the pictures. XXOO G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

What a greatd way to spend the a rainy birthday!