Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preschool Graduation

Nine months ago, I was crying because it was their 1st day of school...Where did the time go? It hardly seems as if it has been that long, but yet it has and today was the day to celebrate their last day with graduation ceremonies!! Although they do have another year of preschool before they venture off to kindergarten, it was still a special day, and it was SO cute:)

They sang songs and got diplomas and then we had a little reception with cookies and juice! Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Doug came up for the festivites and then after it was all done, we headed to the park and had a picnic of McDonald's and then played for a bit on the playground, it was a very fun day!

We are so proud of you boys!! Congratulations:) Now time for summer break, and to play and have fun!! WOOHOO:)


Jodi Lansink said...

Congrats boys! They look so cute and grown up!! Glad G & G could make it too! Sounds like a fun day!!!

YES---let summer begin!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a fun day!!! The program was so cute!!! We are proud of them too....they did a great time for summer fun!!! XXOO G&G