Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preschool Graduation

Nine months ago, I was crying because it was their 1st day of school...Where did the time go? It hardly seems as if it has been that long, but yet it has and today was the day to celebrate their last day with graduation ceremonies!! Although they do have another year of preschool before they venture off to kindergarten, it was still a special day, and it was SO cute:)

They sang songs and got diplomas and then we had a little reception with cookies and juice! Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Doug came up for the festivites and then after it was all done, we headed to the park and had a picnic of McDonald's and then played for a bit on the playground, it was a very fun day!

We are so proud of you boys!! Congratulations:) Now time for summer break, and to play and have fun!! WOOHOO:)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a busy Mother's Day weekend on tap this year...Chris had to work :( so I got surprised on Friday by him and the kids with a very beautiful card and even more beautiful roses!! So pretty and they smell so GOOD:) Thank you honey and kiddos! That really meant a lot to me...and the boys' also made some surprises for me @ school that I got on Thursday...they made magnets of themselves! SO CUTE:) I am in love with them...They are on my fridge just waiting for the next piece of art to be made...I got a pic of them, but it really doesn't do them justice to how cute they really are!! AND too funny...Ayden's little guy has a blue shirt on and a "C" on it...I was confused at first, but then asked him, Ayden, what is the "C" for..."CUBS, mommy"!! Well DUH!!!! :) go Cubs!!
They also did a little worksheet about me...and I got some cute answers to some questions...
"Why do you love your mommy?" Ayden: because she gives me hugs and kisses Elliott: because she helps me sleep at night
What is your mommy's favorite food? Ayden: Pizza Elliott: Macaroni and Cheese
What's your favorite thing to do with your mommy? Ayden: Go to the big park Elliott: go to the dinosaur park
What is the color of your mommy's eyes? Ayden: Green Elliott: Blue

VERY CUTE:) Thank you boys!! I love you lots!!

So this weekend was also the March of Dimes walk in Storm Lake...We walked for "Team Baby Jillian" and had a great time walking in memory of this precious, perfect little girl!! It was a darn chilly morning, but we made it, and were honored to "go on a walk for Jillian" as the kids said it!! We love and miss her lots!

On Sunday, we just lounged around the house, nothing really to do, except relax...the kids and I watched a movie, and ate some lunch, took naps, and then went to the park to play...they had lots of fun!! Then when Chris was done with work we went for supper, came home and it was time for BED!! What a great way to spend Mother's Day:)

We hope all of you Mother's had a great day, especially our moms!! We love you lots:)

Also-sidebar about little Mr Evan!!! He is getting so big...he is a full time crawler now, no more army crawling for him!! and he is also pulling himself up on anything that will hold still!! HA:) he has also decided that he wants to be a big boy and try to eat some big boy he had his first taste of some mac and cheese this weekend, and is loving crackers, cheerios, and even had some bites of grilled cheese today for how fast he is won't be long and we will be celebrating the big 1st birthday...

Well, I think that is all for now:) Hope you all had a great weekend and I will try to update again soon of some outside playing pics, if this weather will cooperate:) Hopefully this weekend will be NICE!