Saturday, December 12, 2009


Last weekend we had two visitors make a stop at our house...Uncle Brandon and Michelle came to stay and to celebrate and early Christmas with the kids!!

We had sooo much fun, playing, decorating cupcakes, opening was a blast!! The kids got some great stuff...John Deere stuff and a machine shed and lean to for the boys, an awesome Elmo Live for Ashley and even got his first Teddy bear and a cool John Deere blanket!!!

It was soooo wonderful for them to come and see us...they even took the kiddos out for lunch on Saturday, to give me some peace and quiet!! awesome, huh?!? I don't know who had more fun, them or the kids!!!

Thanks so much for everything Brandon and Michelle!! Love you guys lots:)

1 comment:

Grandma Jane said...

Looks like decorating the cupcakes was as much fun as opening the gifts!! Glad everyone had so much fun.