Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Furniture

We got new furniture last Tuesday...It is AWESOME!!! so comfy and great!!! Just wanted to share the pics with you:)

And here is one of Ms Ashley on her birthday enjoying her cupcake and her new picnic table from G & G Schrunk!!

I didn't get any pics of the boys over the weekend...I kept the camera here, so you will just have to trust that they had a GREAT "boys" weekend!!! They left Thursday morning for Kansas City and spent some time with Julie, Steve and Nick!!! The boys went to a Kansas City Royals baseball game on Thursday night, and had sooo much fun...they met the mascot "slugger" and ate popcorn and enjoyed the game... On Friday they had tons of fun with Julie and Nick at the park and playing around the house...and then when Steve got home they all went swimming!!! they came back home here on Satuday afternoon and had a ton to talk about...!!! They had sooo much fun with daddy and I am sure it is something they will want to do again soon:) Thanks Julie, Steve and Nick for everything...AND Ashley and I got a ton of stuff done around here, and even got some shopping in!! YEAH, it was a fun weekend:)

On Sunday G & G Lansink came to bring Ashley her birthday presents...sorry no pics, she wouldn't try her new outfits on:( but when she does wear them, I will snap some pics of her in them!!! We ate some brownies and then G & G were off on their motorcycle ride...

Lots and lots of fun had by all here...Also we have a FINAL date picked for this baby to come...it will be Friday Sept. 25 @ 7 AM!!!!!!!!! we had to switch to accomodate some doctors and such, but now this is SET and we will have this baby, ready or not!! That's all for now!!!


Grandma Jane said...

Can't wait to come and try out the new furniture! It looks great!

Ashley and friends look like they were enjoying the cupcakes! Ashley you are getting to be such a big girl!

Love you all!
Hugs and Kisses,
Grandma & Grandpa S.

grandma-grandpa-lansink said...

Now Ashley can host her own picnics!!! The furniture is very comfy!!! Hope she likes her outfits! I love the one with the butterfly!! The brownies were great and we made it home without getting WET!!!XXOO G&G