Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ayden & Elliott's 1st Day of Preschool!!!

WOW:) What a day.... Our "babies" went to preschool!!! Can't hardly believe the time has come to start their school days, but it is and they are READY!!!

I didn't have daycare kids this morning, so that I could take them to their 1st day...it was pretty exciting and nervewrecking!!! They both did really well...we had some tears from Ayden when it was time for me and Ashley to say goodbye...he was not happy...but got distracted drawing on the chalkboard, and we left the room...when he realized, well let's just say it took them a while to get him to calm down...I know this because the school we are taking them too is sooo nice and had a "parent's room" for parents to stay in if need be...so Ashley and I stayed the WHOLE time...:) I know...but when he was crying, I was crying, so it was just best for us to stay...they had toys for Ashley and I was not the only mom...their were 4 of us, so it was nice to get to meet some of the other moms from their class!!! and it was good, cause after he calmed down and I couldn't hear anymore tears, it made me feel better, and then they BOTH talked nonstop about it after they were done...they are very ready to go back tomorrow....!!!! I hope day 2 goes better for Ayden, which I am sure it will...just takes some adjustment:) Elliott of course was playing and didn't bat an eye when it was time for me to leave...Just goes to show ya how different twins' personalities can be!!

So here are their pics from this morning when they were all ready to go out the door for their BIG first day!!! How big they look.... all I have to say is, it isn't fair that I have to do 2 at once!!! This is hard!!! But will be well worth it in the end:)

Oh, and don't mind Ms Crabby pants in the pictures...she is still recovering from the tonsil surgery!!! She is doing better, still a little whiny and needy, but it hasn't even been a week yet, so I think she is doing pretty well!!! I will include her "pre-surgery" pics as well!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Furniture

We got new furniture last Tuesday...It is AWESOME!!! so comfy and great!!! Just wanted to share the pics with you:)

And here is one of Ms Ashley on her birthday enjoying her cupcake and her new picnic table from G & G Schrunk!!

I didn't get any pics of the boys over the weekend...I kept the camera here, so you will just have to trust that they had a GREAT "boys" weekend!!! They left Thursday morning for Kansas City and spent some time with Julie, Steve and Nick!!! The boys went to a Kansas City Royals baseball game on Thursday night, and had sooo much fun...they met the mascot "slugger" and ate popcorn and enjoyed the game... On Friday they had tons of fun with Julie and Nick at the park and playing around the house...and then when Steve got home they all went swimming!!! they came back home here on Satuday afternoon and had a ton to talk about...!!! They had sooo much fun with daddy and I am sure it is something they will want to do again soon:) Thanks Julie, Steve and Nick for everything...AND Ashley and I got a ton of stuff done around here, and even got some shopping in!! YEAH, it was a fun weekend:)

On Sunday G & G Lansink came to bring Ashley her birthday presents...sorry no pics, she wouldn't try her new outfits on:( but when she does wear them, I will snap some pics of her in them!!! We ate some brownies and then G & G were off on their motorcycle ride...

Lots and lots of fun had by all here...Also we have a FINAL date picked for this baby to come...it will be Friday Sept. 25 @ 7 AM!!!!!!!!! we had to switch to accomodate some doctors and such, but now this is SET and we will have this baby, ready or not!! That's all for now!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Ashley!

Today is our little girl's 2nd birthday!!! My how time flies:) She is such a big girl...practically 2 going on 13:) We don't have anything too big planned for her, just keeping it low key, cupcakes and a few presents, that's about all ya need when you are 2!!! But we sure do LOVE her a lot and can't wait to see what this year brings for her....Happy Birthday Ashley! We love you so much:)

Here she is on the day she was born, her 1st birthday and this morning with her big brothers:)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This past weekend, Chris' brother, Brandon, and his girlfriend, Michelle, came to visit us!!! we were soooo excited to have visitors...we haven't seen them since Christmas so it was nice to visit with them and of course the kids LOVED playing with them...and they even brought us presents....!!!

We got new jammies, books, colors and coloring books!!! and then Ashley got her birthday present early...a new baby doll!!! she LOVES it:) she also got some more books and the boys got cool Lightning McQueen books....they are loving everything...Thanks so much for everything...we had a blast and hope you guys did too!!!