Monday, May 19, 2008

Nice Weather

Hi All:) Sorry I haven't been updating this lately, I haven't been feeling the greatest...I had a bad cold and lost my voice, which still is not completly back to normal...hmmmm, hopefully it will continue to get better over the next few days, at least I am feeling better anyway!!

I am happy to report that the children are all doing wonderfully!!! they are growing like weeds, we just had to buy new summer clothes for the boys and Ashley because of course they are just growing, growing, growing!!!

We really haven't been up to much lately, just enjoying the wonderful weather now that spring has finally decided to come:) and we are getting ready for a busy summer to come!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is having fun! Rocks and dirt....what more could you ask for! Hugs and kisses for all of them! G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

I was beginning to wonder where you were at?!?!? Glad you are feeling better----kids like like they are doing great!