Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Not much happening around here lately, just thought I would update with some pics and the latest on the kids...

Ayden...was fascinated with the neighbor's snowblower yesterday...except he thought it was a lawn mower...he kept saying "mowing, mowing!!!" too cute:) then he had to get out his toy lawn mower and mow the living room!!! I hope he remembers this when he is 16 and doesn't want to do anything!! HAHA:)

Elliott....has been busy working on potty training...He is going, he just doesn't tell me when he has to go...slowly but surely I am sure it will happen!!! he also was trying to wink at me last night in the bathtub, but instead of one eye, he was winking by blinking twice really fast with both eyes!! very funny...

Ashley Jo....had her 6 mo check up on Monday and now weighs in at 17 pounds and is 26 inches long:) she is so close to crawling she wants to get everywhere, just can't quite figure out the whole knee action thing, so instead she just rolls where ever she wants to to keep up with those big brothers:)

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