Sunday, January 6, 2008

just some fun

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from this week...Ayden being goofy with dad's shoes!!! the three of them playing together:) Ashley loving the exersaucer...and Ayden loving it too:)
Also some cute quotes from this week...
Elliott..."I pretty" after he heard me telling Ashley what a "pretty girl" she is he needed to inform me he was pretty too..I corrected him and said he was "Handsome" so now he goes around and says "I handsome"!!!
Ayden...I was watching food network this morning and Ayden went up to the tv and said "bite"...too cute...I probably should have paid closer attention to what was being made that he wanted so badly!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Wow---look at Ashley, she is getting so big!! Love the picture of Ayden in the saucer! Too funny!

Cute pics! Thanks gor sharing! Hope to see you this weekend!

Anonymous said...

They are all way to cute!!! Hugs and kisses from Grandpa and Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Love being able to see the pics so I can see what they are up to in between our visits. Sure miss them!! Give them hugs and kisses from Grandpa George and Grandma Jane!!!