Monday, January 28, 2008

Jumping "Jo-Jo"

Our little Ashley Jo has discovered the fun of the Johnny Jumper:) she is too cute and of course she has tons of help from her big brothers!!! She also has started to sit on her own this past week...what a big girl!!!

Happy Birthday Ayden & Elliott

Sunday, January 27th was Ayden & Elliott's 2nd birthday...Our babies are growing up and getting so big:) We had a b-day party on Saturday and had homemade pizza and cake and ice was tons of fun and the boys loved every minute of it!!! On the actual birthday, we just hung out as a family and played with all of our new toys and enjoyed have 2 two-year olds!!!! now is when the fun begins, right??? haha:)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Chili Night-Take 2

Okay, so it has been long enough now that I decided to venture on Chili night went very well this throwing the bowls:) they actually ate it all...YEAH:) Ashley didn't get any...but the boys entertained her while I got her squash ready...:)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

nothing new...

Just wanted to put out there some pictures from today!!! As you can see Elliott and Ashley were hamming it up today, while Ayden wasn't really in to it!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Malia

Okay, so it isn't until tomorrow, but we want to put out there are very special Happy Birthday to our cousin and niece, Malia, who is turning 1 on January 11th!! Have a great day Malia:) Love you!!!

Sweet Dreams

Well, last night was the first night for the boys in their very own "big boy bed"!!! It went very well, they are very excited about it:) it is really too cute! I just can't believe how big they are getting...I mean it was just two years ago that they were still in my belly and well, now look at them!!! crazy how time of course that means that Ashley Jo has moved into her very own crib!! she is loving it too...:) but she has found some strange places to fall asleep...for instance, the middle of the living room floor and in her exersaucer!! I just hope that they all have sweet dreams, no matter where they are sleeping!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

just some fun

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from this week...Ayden being goofy with dad's shoes!!! the three of them playing together:) Ashley loving the exersaucer...and Ayden loving it too:)
Also some cute quotes from this week...
Elliott..."I pretty" after he heard me telling Ashley what a "pretty girl" she is he needed to inform me he was pretty too..I corrected him and said he was "Handsome" so now he goes around and says "I handsome"!!!
Ayden...I was watching food network this morning and Ayden went up to the tv and said "bite"...too cute...I probably should have paid closer attention to what was being made that he wanted so badly!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ashley can eat like a big girl!!!

here are her first adventures with some solids ( well, kind of solids, right???) needless to say, she is like her brothers and loves to eat!!! pretty soon we are going to be eaten out of house & home!!!!!!

Holiday Wrap Up

Well, we have survived another hectic year of Holiday Fun!!! Hope you all survived as my previous posts you can view all of the photos from our fun adventures, most recently we returned from Kansas City to have a gathering of the Spotts family!!! Great food, great mystery game and great family!!! Thanks to Julie and Steve for hosting all of the fun festivies...we all had soooo much fun:) can't wait to go there again soon...say maybe a Broncos/Chiefs game...I know ALL of my boys would love that!!!

Enjoy the pics from all of our fun!!

Spotts Family Christmas