Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our Weekend...

Well, we did it...we made the journey over to Grandma Jane & Grandpa George's house for the weekend!!! and what a weekend it was:) We left early Friday after noon, thinking the boys would nap on the way over...hmmmmm...yeah right, they slept until Correctionville, and then were awake for the rest of the journey!!! but we survived and they actually rode pretty well...they got pretty antsy that last 1/2 hour or so, but we survived with as little of whining as possible!!! Once we arrived in Illinois, it was none stop, go, go, go...Aunt Carolynne and Uncle Jamie came over to meet Ms Ashley for the first time, and to play with the was lots of fun. On Saturday, they got plenty of bonding time with Grandma and Grandpa:) can never go wrong with that...and then after naps, their cousins...Grace, Leah, Anna and Nicholas arrived to play, and boy did they:) Mayhem, utter mayhem:) but a very fun time had by all...on Sunday we played for a while with grandma and grandpa, but then took off to go to Kathy and Mark's and the children's house to play some more...the best part was the spaghetti lunch waiting for us:) will have to see how much Ayden enjoyed it from his picture...cute!!! after more playing, we again hit the road to come back home...this time they actually slept:) yeah!!! Ashley got mad when we were getting to Early, so we stopped so she could eat, and then we were on the road again, until finally we reached home!!! It was a long, wonderful, exciting, never a dull moment weekend:) now for some recovery time!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a very busy but fun weekend!!! Love the picture of the "gang"