Thursday, October 8, 2009

4 Little Monkeys!!!

We can't do a photo shoot around here with out EVERYONE getting a turn to hold Evan!! They love their new brother very much... if it isn't obvious from their faces in the pics:)

Also got Ayden & Elliott's school pics back this cute!!

I can't believe tomorrow Evan will be 2 weeks old already....the time needs to SLOW down!!! he is such a good baby we have zero to complain about... just all around wonderful!!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Evan Christopher Schrunk

Here he is!!! Finally, the baby has arrived:) I was so surprised it was a boy, and he has just been about as perfect as can be!!! Evan Christopher Schrunk was born 9/25/2009 and weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 inches long!! Healthy and happy, just a great bundle of joy...

The kids LOVE him!!! and when I say LOVE, I really MEAN IT!!! They are always saying my turn to hold baby Evan...never a dull moment around this house, that is for sure...

Here are some pics of the cutie pie and of the proud big brothers and big sister!

I promise to do better about blogging now that he is here and we can all enjoy watching his growth together!!