Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Day for Ashley:)

So....Today was a great day for Ashley Jo!!! She went potty on the big girl potty for the 1st time!!!!!!!! She has wanted to sit on the thing forever, but has never actually gone in today was a big step:) She even told me she had to go!!! we were in the living room reading books right before nap and she said "I go potty mommy"...I said "let's go in and be a big girl" and she said "yeah" we went in and soon enough she had gone!!!!!!!!!! HOW EXCITING:) I know this is probably just the first of the long road, but hey, yeah have to start somewhere:)

Here is the proud little girl...SHE was SOOOOOO excited:) and her brothers were too!! It was cute:)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Working on the house

So, not much has been going on around here, so I have kind of slacked off on the blogging thing, but I am trying to be better about taking pics and I will try harder:)

Last weekend, Chris' parents came to help with some house stuff we wanted to get done...our first project was to get all of the yucky nasty white trim that we HATED down and to put up our new stained wood looks amazing:) we have a few peices left to finish on it, but for the most part it looks totally awesome, just changing trim can give a totally different look and feel to the house:)

On the kids front...we got to go visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Kelly on Saturday while daddy and Grandpa George worked hard on the trim...we had a great visit and the kids LOVED playing there..

Tonight...we had spaghetti for of course we had a bath afterwards to wash those spaghetti faces up:)

Enjoy the pics and I will update more soon!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day


We had a pretty low key Valentine's here at the Schrunk house...I made some yummy cupcakes for the kids to have for their snack on Friday...and trust me...EVERYONE enjoyed them...maybe a little too much, if ya know what I mean...but it was fun and a special occasion....I also got the kids a new book and a treat for the big v-day...the little ones, Jamison, Samantha & Ashley got coloring books and colors and the older ones got Lightning McQueen books!!! they were a big hit!! It was a fun celebration...

We also got our Valentine's presents early from Grandpa Doug and Grandma Teresa...last weekend they got their new Jammies:) very cute and comfy!! Thanks...

We also got Valentines in the mail from Grandpa George and Grandma Jane and Great Grandpa & Grandma Spotts...Thank you for the special mail...the kids LOVE it and it is too funny to see them rip into the mail!!

We also got pictures taken this weekend...the boys for their 3 year pics and Ashley for her 18 month pics...they turned out super cute:) can't wait to hand them out!!

We had a great V-Day and hope you did the same!!! Have a great week

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, it is Tuesday again, and I am just getting around to updating the good old blog!! sorry, just seems like I can't get to it...or I am just too lazy, hum, take your pick!! but anyway, better late than never, huh???

So our weekend was not TOO exciting, but fun just the same...On Saturday morning, we got our taxes done!!! now that it is done and overwith it is such a relief...this was my first full year of my "business" so it was nerve wrecking on how things would turn out, but it all worked out well...

After getting that taken care of, we headed down to Ida Grove for the Section Wrestling Tournament...we hadn't been to a meet all year, and my cousin Tanner was wrestling, so we definilty wanted to get a chance to see him wrestle!! and he did awesome!! he got 1st place and is moving on to district action this weekend in Cherokee:) Good Luck Tanner and way to go!!!! The kids did pretty well at the meet, ya know, they don't sit still for very long so they got pretty antsy, but they got to run around the cafeteria so they were better after a few laps!!!

After a supper with Grandma and Grandpa the kids took baths and then it was on to home for a good nights sleep!!

On Sunday, we meet up with our friends Tom, Randi and Logan for a yummy lunch at Famous Daves!!! We LOVE having the Hudson's back in Sioux City!!!! YEAH...and then a relaxing afternoon at home:)

So since the boys got to watch wrestling, guess what their new hobby is???? wrestling with each other!!! pretty funny to watch, although they can get pretty rough at times...Ashley likes to join in the action too, even though they are a little rough for her, she holds her own!!! tough little peanut:)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Dietzel Weekend...

One of Chris' best friends from high school and his wife and family came to town this last weekend...TJ, his wife Mo, and their 3 girls came, along with his parents and his sister...they meet his brother here, who has moved to South Dakota, so it was a half way point (kind of) for them to meet and have a fun weekend...and all the better that we live here:)

They got here on Saturday around noon, and we ate lunch out at the mall, then they all came back to our house to see the place and visit...then we took them to their hotel room, where we all changed in to our swim suits and headed down to the pool!!! It was tons of fun for the kids to get to go swimming, and me and chris too!!! Every one had a blast...after swimming, we got to order pizza and hang out in the hotel room for a while...

On Sunday morning, we meet them for breakfast and then they were on their way home...and we went home too so the kids could nap...then after naps, Randi and Tom & Logan came over to watch the Super Bowl with us...they are in town now!!!!!!!! YEAH:) it is soooo great having them here...they are in a transition place right now until they can close on their house in February....we are soooo excited to have them back in town

All in all we had a great weekend:) Hope everyone else enjoyed theirs too!!!