Saturday, December 22, 2007

Night in the hospital

Well, we just got home from a very long 24 hours...oh wait, who am I kidding, this has been going on for a week or so!!! Elliott was diagnosed with croup last Monday, and yesterday afternoon it kept getting continually bad that we took him to urgent care, who couldn't get his breathing to regulate, so we took him the the ER...where they gave him a steroid shot...which appeared to work for like 20 minutes and then he went down hill we spent the night in the hosptial!!! The good news is that he seems to be doing better, and he is in a much better mood, so that is a positive...I just hope that he will be able to rest the rest of today and tomorrow to prepare for Christmas:)
I will keep you all updated on the progress!!!

Love you all and Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

attempted photo...

So, I don't think that Christmas cards are going to be going out this year from the Schrunk family...Mainly because I have two little boys who can't hold still, even if their life depended on it, and a baby whom neither boy wants to hold because she is getting too are my attempts at pictures the other day...too funny!!! and yes, that photo is of Elliott's foot!!! he decided to take a pic, while I was adjusting Ashley...hmmmm...the excitement never ends!!!

All I want for Christmas is....

well, I discovered the other day, that what the boys really need for Christmas are...Clothes Baskets!!! what entertainment they provide!!! HAHA:)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Christmas Tree

Well, we did it!!!! we put up "the tree":) it looks really pretty, and the boys like it a lot, just like we thought they would...probably too much if you catch my drift...I have only had to say no, no about 100 more times than normal!!! this is going to be a great month, hopefully the newness will wear away soon and they will leave the pretties alone!!! but we are definitely enjoying our holiday season so far...hopefully all of you are enjoying it as well!! Happy Holidays:)

What was I thinking???

Okay, so the other night it was cold and blustery out, so I decided that it would be a great night for Chili and cinnamon rolls...hmmm???? well, the boys have never had chili before, but I thought that they would like it...boy was I right!!! they loved it...I put some in bowls and they ate it really well, I got some cute pics of them chowing down...but then....the bowls became fun things to throw!!!!!!!! oh my gosh, what a mess!!! I didn't get pics of that...I was too mad, and they were in big trouble, I didn't think picture taking would show a good example when they were in I can laugh about it, because...WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!!!!! haha!!! Ashley did not get to try the chili, but she sure was "drooling" for some:) she has a checkup on Monday and I am hoping she will get the go ahead to start giving her some "good stuff!!!" what a big girl!!!