Monday, November 26, 2007

The weekend

Hello all...we made it back home here and survived another successful adventure...we went to Grandma & Grandpa Lansink's for the weekend...Abby had a wedding to be in, one of her dearest friends from college, Kate, got married on Saturday in Carroll, so Ayden and Elliott spent some bonding time with Grandma and Grandpa, while Chris, Abby & Ashley had fun at the wedding & the reception!!! it was a long weekend but we had tons of fun, so I would say it was well worth it:) The boys also liked spending time with Uncle Andrew & Aunt Lisa...they were still asking for them this morning, they wanted to play with you!!! cute:)

Turkey Day!!!

Gobble, Gobble:) We went to my brother and his wife's for Thanksgiving!!! They did an excellent job preparing the turkey and all the fixings!!! it was very yummy...the boys had lots of fun eating and playing with their cousins Ellie & Malia!! Thanks for a great Thanksgiving...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ashley Jo's Baptism

On Saturday evening, we had Ashley was a great evening with lots of food, fun and family:) we are happy for all those who could attend, and missed those who couldn't be there greatly!!!! Take a look at the slide below to take a peek into the evening!!! Thank you again!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Last wagon ride???

Hello all...Sunday was such a beautiful day here in Sioux City, that we decided to take a wagon ride during the was so great:) I thought I would take some pics to share, since who knows, this may be the last wagon ride of the season...pretty soon, I am sure the snow will be falling!!! yuck... but anyway...the boys had so much fun with the wagon this summer, and they are super cute in it, so I thought I would share...Enjoy:)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Today, the boys wanted to have some fun coloring, so I couldn't resist taking some pictures to share with you!! Fun, fun, fun:)and I couldn't forget Ashley...she just got to hang out and enjoy watching her brothers color, she will get in there soon enough:)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

the twins...

The twins had their first day here yesterday:) Their mom is not back at work yet, not until the week of Thanksgiving, but they are coming a couple of days so that we can work on the far so good:) very busy, but like I'm not already, so we will just have to adjust to a couple of more babies in the house!!! they sure are cute...Jamison is the boy and Samantha is the girl...

also, had to include a picture of "the horsie" giving rides!!! too funny:) also a dogpile on dad!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy 3 month birthday Ashley Jo!!!

Well, we made it to the 3 month mark:) yeah!!! Here are some pictures to celebrate the occasion:)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our Weekend...

Well, we did it...we made the journey over to Grandma Jane & Grandpa George's house for the weekend!!! and what a weekend it was:) We left early Friday after noon, thinking the boys would nap on the way over...hmmmmm...yeah right, they slept until Correctionville, and then were awake for the rest of the journey!!! but we survived and they actually rode pretty well...they got pretty antsy that last 1/2 hour or so, but we survived with as little of whining as possible!!! Once we arrived in Illinois, it was none stop, go, go, go...Aunt Carolynne and Uncle Jamie came over to meet Ms Ashley for the first time, and to play with the was lots of fun. On Saturday, they got plenty of bonding time with Grandma and Grandpa:) can never go wrong with that...and then after naps, their cousins...Grace, Leah, Anna and Nicholas arrived to play, and boy did they:) Mayhem, utter mayhem:) but a very fun time had by all...on Sunday we played for a while with grandma and grandpa, but then took off to go to Kathy and Mark's and the children's house to play some more...the best part was the spaghetti lunch waiting for us:) will have to see how much Ayden enjoyed it from his picture...cute!!! after more playing, we again hit the road to come back home...this time they actually slept:) yeah!!! Ashley got mad when we were getting to Early, so we stopped so she could eat, and then we were on the road again, until finally we reached home!!! It was a long, wonderful, exciting, never a dull moment weekend:) now for some recovery time!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Well, we did our first sucessful trick or treating adventure last night:) Last year the boys were too little and it was too cold for them to go out for their 1st Halloween, so last night we made an appearance around the neighborhood, and if I do say so myself, they were a big hit:) everyone thought that they were too cute!!!!! (of course, huh????) But, anyway, the boy's had fun and Ashley slept through it, so all-in-all, it was a great time!!
The boy's were supposed to look like scarecrows, but all the neighbors kept saying what cute Farmers, so I guess, you get what you get huh??? and little Ashley Jo was our baby chick:) cute as a button!!!
Enjoy the pics:)